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  • Ashley

Top 5 Wednesday: The Best Fictional Jobs

Top 5 Wednesday from Goodreads

Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly book meme brought by T5W on Goodreads.

Happy March and Happy Wednesday! I'm pretty excited for the Top 5 Wednesdays this month. Today we're writing about the best fictional jobs. They can be from books, films, video games, television shows.

I actually spent a while talking about this very topic with one of my nearest and dearest the other night.

Did any of them make this final list? Keep reading to find out!

1. Vampire Slayer

The low life expectancy rate of the typical vampire slayer does kind of lower the shimmer of this career field, but I also think it might would turn out okay?

2. Supreme Witch

Another pretty dangerous gig, and you always have to stay on alert, but you'll probably get to meet Stevie Nicks in the flesh.

3. Acrobatic Thieving Spy

Otherwise known as Inej Ghafa, the Wraith in The Dregs in Leigh Bardugo's Six of Crows. She knows everyone's secrets, and can get in and out of anywhere. I will admit that, yes, this is another dangerous job. I dunno what's wrong with me!

4. Time-Traveling History-Buff Doctor

Specifically of the 1940s English-accidentally-slipping-back-in-time-to-Scotland variety. Most specifically, the one who somehow falls into some stones and meets and falls in love with Jamie Fraser, okay?

5. A College Student on a CW Show

It doesn't really matter which one, or where. It's almost always a big, gorgeous school (real or imagined) in some big city or quaint town, the dorms and apartments are huge, and no one ever has to worry about money. Sure, you'll probably have a part-time job in a cafe or restaurant somewhere, but that's more for plot development (you'll probably meet someone cool working there, who may or may not become your love interest). Your college years will be full of drama, romance, and BFFs.

Get ready for the rest of your life!


There are my top 5 fictional jobs! Let me know what you think, or what you'd change. See you next week!

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