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Top 10 Tuesday: Characters Who Make Lists

Top 10 Tuesday: Characters Who Make Lists

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke & The Bookish.

Clearly, I love lists. And, likely, you're fond of them as well, if you found your way here. And that's why we're all here today, and why I'm doubly thrilled about this week's Top 10 Tuesday.

This week's topic is a bit of a freebie--Ten Books That Feature _______ Characters (or Characters ______). Sky's the limit!

So I'm getting a little meta this week, and my Top 10 Tuesday is about characters who make lists. Wish lists, death lists, bucket lists, to-do lists--there are a lot! Did any of your favorites make this list?

Click on the book cover for either my review of the book, or the link to its Goodreads listing.

Emma in Jane Austen makes reading lists

Emma makes this week's list because of her understandable tendency toward ambitious TBRs.

Rob in High Fidelity makes incredible top 5 lists

Rob Fleming, quite possibly the king of the Top 5 list. You knew he was going to show up here.

The Mistake by Elle Kennedy

When a hockey player tries to make up for being an ass, Grace gives him a list of things to prove he means it.

Someone Else's Summer by Rachel Bateman

After Anna's older sister dies, Anna discovers Storm's bucket list and decides to honor her by having the best summer ever, knocking off everything from Storm's list.

Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson

Another bucket list book; after Sloane dissapears, Emily's left to complete a list of 13 Sloane-inspired tasks that promise to push her out of her comfort zone.

The List by Siobhan Vivian

The characters in The List encounter a very different kind of list--the prettiest and ugliest girls from the freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior classes. Told from the POVs of each girl over a span of several days, The List is as much about how we see ourselves as it is about how others see us.

Top Ten by Katie Cotugno

This book about the top ten moments in a friendship is one of my favorite reads of 2017.

Arya may have the ultimate to-do list

Who's left on Arya's list?

The Hazards of Skinny Dipping by Alyssa Rose Ivy

Juliet's cousin gives her a 5-things-to-do-before-college list, and this book is about what happens after she finally does #5.

I'm Not Your Manic Pixie Dream Girl

This one is more about a mathematician figuring out formulas for determining social happiness, but lists are certainly involved, especially as Bea become Trixie--the manic pixie dream girl her ex is certain to fall for.

I know I'm missing a lot of list-making book characters. Let me know who I missed below!

Thanks again to The Broke & The Bookish for another Top Ten Tuesday.

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