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  • Ashley

Top 10 Tuesday: Winter 2018 TBR

Top 10 Tuesday: Books That Scream Fall

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke & The Bookish.

You know, this is the third seasonal TBR I've done this year. And you know what? I am THE WORST at sticking to a TBR. I went back and looked over my Spring and Fall TBR posts and I have finished THREE of those books (for summer I did a wrap up and a sizzlin' summer reads list rather than a TBR). That's it. Three.

Looking at these things makes me feel a little like...why do I even bother making these to-read lists? When I wrote those lists, I fully intended to go back and do some kind of wrap up to basically, like, pat myself on the back or something.

But I don't really feel too bad about it, because I've still been reading stuff. I've also recently changed up how I view the TBR. A few readers left comments on some of my other posts, or shared their wisdom on Twitter, and finally something just clicked with me. I'm thinking of TBR now as books I already possess in some form. If I don't own it? It goes on my wishlist. I know this must seem SUPER BASIC to most of y'all, and I honestly can't quite believe it took as long as it did to register.

Anyhow, so here's my Winter 2017-2018 TBR--ten books I'm looking forward to reading this winter. I have some I've already started that I'm looking forward to finishing, as well as some ARCs that I can't wait to dive into and write about. And, yes, a few upcoming releases I know I'll read as soon as I can get my greedy little hands on them.

Past Releases on my TBR

The Hearts We Sold by Emily Lloyd-Jones

ARCs I'm Excited to Read

Upcoming Releases I'll Read Immediately

I'm also pretty stoked for Restore Me in March--while technically still winter, that's just TOO FAR AWAY.

So, what's on your winter TBR? Have you ever had to restructure how you think about the TBR or have you always had a full-proof TBR plan? Tell me all your secrets!

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