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  • Ashley

3 Things on Thursday #2

Happy New Year! I don't know about you, but it's been cold as hell and I've gone back to work, so I've needed a few things to keep me warm and happy this week. What are some of the things perking you up today? Here are my 3 Things on Thursday!

1. Books!

I finished my Goodreads 2017 challenge, and have been a little slow to get started on my challenge for 2018, but I've been reading The Hearts We Sold this week. While it's a little slow moving (or maybe I am?) I look forward to each new chapter I can read, and I'm enjoying watching the story play out. And The Cruel Prince just arrived this week, and it's been one of my most anticipated reads, so I'm very excited to dig in to it.

2. Video Games

I bought Sam a PS4 for Christmas, but he's bought me two games for it so far, effectively making it our Christmas gift.


He got me this game, and it's quickly become my favorite ever:

How did I go so long without playing this game?!? Ōkami HD is a re-release of an older game, and it is gorgeous, combining Japanese myths and folklore for a unique story of a goddess-in-wolf form who performs miracles with a paintbrush. I'm doing a terrible job explaining it, but I spent most of New Year's Day playing it.

3. Hot Water

I know so many people are in far colder places and in far worse circumstances, and I'm grateful for hot water that allows me to enjoy hot showers, hot tea, and long baths! I also got a supply of bath bombs like these that I'm steadily working my way through:

Sometimes it doesn't take much. What are some things you're thankful for this long, cold week?

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