It's February! Holy hell, where did January go?? As for me, I spent my month mired down in sickness, work, snow, and more work. I also missed last week's 3 Things On Thursday cos I've been tired and the worst.
But I have three things to bring you that have been bringing me some joy the past few weeks, and I'm eager to share them with you.
1. Books!
In all of January, I finished just 7 books. While I'm still on track to complete my Goodreads challenge, this is still pretty low for me. However, quality over quantity and all that, right? In this past week, I've read two fantastic books.
Stay tuned for full reviews, but I just want to rave a bit about these for a minute.
I've been excited about The Cruel Prince since like mid-2017. I couldn't get my hands on an ARC, and tried to steer clear of reviews that would ruin it for me, but I couldn't help but see allllll the buzz. And they were not wrong. I really savored this one, taking my time, rereading passages and just enjoying the story. I didn't want it to end! I'm so sad it's over! I'm so happy I read it!
I received an ARC of Blood and Sand and, while I was excited about the premise, I was not expecting this book. It was such an incredible surprise. A stolen/lost warrior queen, a champion could have gone so wrong. But it didn't. This is another first in a series, and this is why I try to avoid series until they are all mostly out.
2. Television
Man, I really slept on This Is Us. I heard all y'all talking about it, but I didn't really know what it was, and didn't think I had the time to try out a new series. But I've stopped sleeping. I've woken up. I'm wide awake. I devoured almost the entire first season in a day. So many tears.
3. Community
I spent a lot of time this weekend going out into the world and catching up with folks. And it was so nice. It's so easy to get caught up in our own worlds and worries, and so easy to just stay in where it's warm and comfortable. But it's important to get out of our own heads for a while, share in the joys of other's lives--as well as the stuff that makes their lives as regular as our is (Oh, you haven't hung up ANY of your coats all winter long? ME EITHER.).
This month is also the official start of OTSP Secret Sister, and I have my sister and have already begun planning her own boxes of joy for the next six months. I already like her so much and I know I can't talk about her here or the things she likes, but I'm also terrible at secret-keeping so I guess WE'LL JUST SEE HOW THIS GOES.
I hope you're all having a wonderful week and that your January ended on a high note. Have any questions or comments? Leave them below!