Man, I don't even know how long it's been since I've had the time to sit down and do a 3 Things on Thursday. I always want to wait until the last minute (like, Tuesday or Wednesday) so that I can better reflect on an actual week, but lately I've just been going going going and then Thursday is already gone and I've blown it.
I'm doing this one pretty last minute, too, tbh. But hey, it's still Thursday, and I have some stuff to say about some stuff.
1. Books!
I have actually read some stuff lately! A lot of things! And I've liked a lot of them. Here's my roundup for this past week-ish.
My OTSP Secret Sister (see more on that later) recommended the Royals series by Erin Watt to me because she knew I loved New Adult, especially Elle Kennedy. I'd had Paper Princess for a while but just hadn't gotten around to it, as you do. And I mean, I wouldn't say these are great, but I also read the first three in a matter of days, so there's definitely something binge worthy about them. So much drama!
And here are some ARCs I'm reading right now!
I kind of can't even believe I got approved for Sky In The Deep. I about died.
2. Gifts!
March is the second month of this round of OTSP Secret Sister--and the first round was a ton of fun. It's like Secret Santa--everyone who participates gets someone to send cheer and goodies to, and everyone has someone who sends cheers and goodies to them. I had a blast shopping for my sister and planning her package. Obviously I can't say much about that because, you know, secret, but I can share what I received in my first package:
I loved my package so much! The Golden Girls are the funnest and silliest, and I read Lola and the Boy Next Door within a day. I didn't want to read it so quickly because I wanted to savor it but also...I couldn't stop. No regrets.
3. Fun!
This past weekend was my husband's birthday, and all he gave me to go on was "No big party." So we had a fancy dinner one night, and then went to an escape room (only friends, no randos) and had a friend gathering at what's essentially a grown up playground (though there are small-sized playgrounds there too for the tiny ones).
Here are a few pictures of our day!
(I just wanna draw some attention to that 18:07:47 remaining--this is a room with like a 34% pass rate. We killed it.)
What have you been up to and reading the past few weeks? Have you ever done an escape room?