Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
Happy Tuesday! I loved putting together this week's Top Ten Tuesday post because I love thinking about books that sneaked up on me.
This week we're talking about books that surprised us--for good or for bad. I'm sticking with the "for good" because that's more fun than thinking about disappointing books.
The books on my list are books I've read in the last year or so (or in the last few months). Some are romances, some are fantasy, some are contemporary--they don't have much in common, is what I mean. But what they all do have in common is that I went into each of them not expecting too much, and they all blew me away. Some offered exciting takes on their genre, some had so-so sounding blurbs that didn't do justice to the actual story, and some were just so much more than what I was expecting or hoping for. In other words--the best kind of surprise in the world.
Click the covers to check out my reviews!
Making this post made me want to go back and do a massive rereading spree--and some of these books I've read recently! Have you read any of these books, and did they surprise you (for good or for bad)? Let me know below!