Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke & The Bookish.
Sometimes you're so excited for a book, and you're like dying waiting to shove your face into it, and then you finally read it and you can't believe you ever thought there was goodness in the world because this book is the worst ever.
Or maybe it's not quite that dramatic. But you're disappointed, at the very least.
If you're lucky, the opposite will happen more--you hesitantly pick up a book and are completely blown away.
This is what we're talking about in this week's Top 10 Tuesday. I've split mine into five books that unexpected blew me away, and five that...did not.
Some of these are included not because they are the most surprising or disappointing of my life, but because I've read them more recently and they're just fresh on my mind.
I've read a lot of these in the last year, but they're all books that really snuck up on me! I'd looked forward to reading each and every one, but really had no idea what I was in store for.
I think about You Will Know Me all the time, and have been recommending it to almost everyone I know. It isn't a young adult novel, but the way Abbot gets into the heads of the teenage main characters is breathtaking.
Other Wonderful Surprise books: Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld, A Court of Thornes & Roses by Sarah J Maas, Daughter of Smoke & Bone, Feed by M.T. Anderson.
I wasn't furious with every single one of these books (as my intro may have suggested). Some were just books with a lot of hype that did not deliver (like with Red Queen and Dark Matter). Others just didn't click as I'd hoped.
Allegiant, however, made me want to set fire to something. I don't know if I've ever been madder at a book before or since.
Have some thoughts about my list? Let me know what you think!
Thanks again to The Broke & The Bookish for another Top Ten Tuesd ay.