Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
What kind of out-there things have you done for the love of books? This week's Top Ten Tuesday makes me feel perhaps a little too pointed at because I feel I've done some outrageous things in my time all for books. And I'm not talking just stay up all night, don't take a shower, read in the bathroom/at red lights/in the check out line at Target. That's amateur stuff. Don't believe me? Well, then keep reading, because I'm about to bare all.
Pretended to read the hymnal in church--but it was the book I'd snuck into church instead
Bought multiple copies of the same book--you know, just in case
Made a parent drive me over to someone's house just to get back my copy of a book
Realized that my grandmother would just literally leave me at the library because I wasn't ready to check out yet, and accepted that I would be living in the library from then on (and kinda looked forward to it)
Waited until everyone had gone to sleep to sneakily read by flashlight on the floor next to my bed
Secretly never forgave a friend for losing my favorite book
Skipped class to read a new release in order to avoid spoilers
Took vacation days from work to read a new release
Pretended I needed to take a nap on vacation when I really just wanted to go read a book
Started a book blog
Have you done any of these things? Let me know what some of the most E.X.T.R.A things you've done because you love books so much!