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  • Ashley

Top 10 Tuesday: Unpopular Bookish Opinions

Standalones That Need A Sequel Top Ten Tuesday with What She's Read

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

If you grew up with a mom like mine, I bet you heard the old cliche comparing opinions to assholes, but here we are anyway.

It's been a minute since I posted a Top Ten Tuesday post, but I'm happy to be back this week to share some unpopular (or popular unpopular?) bookish opinions. Some have to do with specific books, while others have to do with reading, reviewing, and media itself. If you've read a few of my posts here (or mini-rants on Twitter), you might not be surprised by some of them. Do you agree with any of these?

  1. Allegiant ruined the entire Divergent trilogy. Literally.

  2. It's hard to keep a series interesting after, like, five books.

  3. When it comes to The Hunger Games, the movies beat the books every single time.

  4. Red Queen was boring. So was Caraval.

  5. Jacob was the better choice, but I get it, ugh.

  6. A good love triangle is the absolute best.

  7. Don't like a book after the first fifty pages? Go ahead and DNF it and count it as read.

  8. It's okay to crack the spine and dog-ear the pages.


  10. Rainbow bookshelves are very very pretty in photos, but a well-organized bookshelf is vastly superior in real life.

Well, did you make it all the way through? Whether you found yourself nodding along as you read or have rolled your eyes back into your head, let me know below! Did you make a list of your own unpopular bookish opinions? Leave me a link!

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